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Seed Starting

with Ivonne Vazquez


March 5th, 2025

In this class you will participate in a hands-on activity: seed starting! First, we will learn about the different types of seed starting media and the variety of heat and seed timing requirements for our Maine gardens. The instructor will also discuss various ways of propagating plants (division, cuttings, etc.). Bring garden gloves for the hands-on lesson. Students will take home their potted seeds. Open to all skill levels.

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Medicare 101

with Courtney Cowan


April 8th, 2025

Medicare is not one size fits all. New to Medicare? This session will review a wide variety of information to help you navigate the waters. We will review how to obtain Medicare, when you are eligible and many other important topics including supplemental insurance to complement original Medicare. If you are currently enrolled in Medicare come get a refresher on the basics and better understand the choices available to you and when you can make changes. There are many different products and carriers available as well as various enrollment periods which give you the opportunity to change your policy if appropriate. Anyone with questions about Medicare will find this class helpful.

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Mindful Movement Yoga

with Andrea White


March 4th to April 8th, 2025

This yoga class allows us to check in with our bodies and get moving in a way that can help us lower stress, release stagnant energy, and strengthen our mind-body connection. Andrea will bring the focus on strength, balance, flexibility, relaxation, meditation, techniques for stress management including better sleep. She will offer a variety of breathing techniques to calm and relax the body and clear the mind. All levels are welcome!

Waiting list available
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Restorative Yoga Healing for Beginners

with Andrea White


March 20th, 2025

Restoratove Yoga is a style of yoga for healing and restoring health and vitality to our mind and body. We use asana (posture) and pratyahara (breath) to inhibit the stress-response, thus activating the healing and repairing systems for optimal health. Props (blocks, bolsters and blankets) are used to completely support the body on the floor as it rests for a period of time in a healing position. Some of the benefits are: relieve of tension in neck, back, shoulders, helps lower blood pressure, quiets the mind, relaxes side of the body, releases muscle tension, improves sleep and reduces stress!!! *PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY FOR SET UP*