This is a self directed, online, self paced, high school chemistry course.  This course qualifies as a prerequisite for entering into a healthcare field such as nursing.  Edmentum, an online platform is used to deliver instruction, practice work and assessments.  A grade and official transcript for High School Chemistry is available upon completion.  The Learning Center provides teacher support by appointment, via Zoom.  This course has open enrollment throughout the school year.  Please complete the online registration form or call 941-6316 to schedule a registration/ math CASAS test appointment.  A Math CASAS score of 241 and a Reading CASAS score of 245 are required for enrollment.
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Asynchronous High School Math Fundamentals

with Maynard Walton

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This is a self directed, online, self paced, high school math fundamentals tutoring program..  Essential Education, an online platform is used to deliver instruction, practice work and assessments.  The Learning Center provides teacher support by appointment, via Zoom.  This course has open enrollment throughout the school year. This class is not graded.   Please complete the online registration form or call 941-6316 to schedule a registration/math test appointment.  For students with a Math CASAS score of 220 or below.
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Asynchronous High School Pre-Algebra

with Maynard Walton

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This is a self directed, self paced, high school Pre-algebra program, designed to prepare students for post secondary math. The curriculum is high school algebra 1,  in the form of a College Algebra Prerequisite Review.  One hundred thirty-six problems selected by community colleges as a comprehensive prerequisite.  The Learning Center provides teacher support by appointment, via Zoom.  A test is administered upon the completion of the review. Students receive an official transcript grade for high school algebra 1 upon completion. This course has open enrollment throughout the school year.  Please complete the online registration form or call 941-6316 to schedule a registration/ math CASAS test appointment. A minimum Math CASAS score of 241 or above is required for enrollment.

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Asynchronous Algebra I

with Maynard Walton

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This is a self directed, self paced, high school algebra 1 program, designed to prepare students for post secondary math. The curriculum is high school algebra 1, in the form of a College Algebra Prerequisite Review. One hundred thirty-six problems selected by community colleges as a comprehensive prerequisite. The Learning Center provides teacher support by appointment, via Zoom. A test is administered upon the completion of the review. Students receive an official transcript grade for high school algebra 1 upon completion. This course has open enrollment throughout the school year. Please complete the online registration form or call 941-6316 to schedule a registration/ math CASAS test appointment. A minimum Math CASA score of 241 or above is required for enrollment.
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College and Career Readiness

with Holly Thayer

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Are you considering attending college and are not sure where to begin? We can help you with your journey! We offer college advising services to assist you in developing a learning plan and to assist you in the application process. Additionally, we have writing, math, science, and digital literacy courses available. Please call 207.941.6316 for an appointment today.

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Career Exploration

with Holly Thayer

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Are you unsure of your career path or wonder what careers best fit your strengths and interests? The World of Work Inventory (WOWI) will assess your skills, interests, and work style and assist you in finding a rewarding career pathway. The assessment is free and we will review the results with you and create a Learning Plan. Please call 207.941.6316 to schedule an appointment.

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