Intermediate Video Game Design

with Network Learning Resources

$245 More Info
Worldwide, video game sales including consoles, online, and mobile games are projected to reach $111 billion dollars this year. Mobile games are the fastest-growing segment of the market as more and more people play casual games. In this intermediate introductory course, you will learn the basics of video game design process, learn about the main video game genres, and use a game development application to begin your journey of making games.
Class has begun

Management Certificate

with Network Learning Resources

$595 More Info
Enhance your management skills through this program for supervisors, managers, and emerging leaders. Nothing creates success like a solid foundation. Discover the keys for effectively managing your employees. Find out how to create clear expectations, engage and motivate employees, and increase your effectiveness. Then you will explore the principles of collaborative management and gain insight on how to expand your collaborative skills for success of your team or organization. Finally, get the keys to manage different generations in your workplace. Discover what motivates each generation at work, what incentives they respond to, and what messages they value. Take all three classes for $595.

Entrepreneurial Marketing

with Network Learning Resources


April 7th to May 25th, 2025

$195 More Info
To succeed in today's marketplace, entrepreneurs must know how to effectively market their product or service. This course offers you a step by step approach to attract and keep customers, all within a realistic budget. With an emphasis on customer-driven marketing decisions, you will learn how to build a strong brand, analyze which tactics to use, and implement your marketing plan. Whether you are starting a business or growing an existing one, you will take away practical marketing tips and tools that you can use to improve your marketing efforts.

Entrepreneurship Certificate

with Network Learning Resources

$495 More Info
Boost your chances of success for your new or small business and reduce your risks. Get the latest on planning your business, brainstorming business ideas and a checklist for going into business. Then learn how to create a business plan, including assessing business feasibility and prepare the management and financial plans. Then take home a step by step approach to attract and keep customers, with an emphasis on customer-driven marketing decisions and building a strong brand. At the end of this certificate, you will be able to identify the abilities required of successful entrepreneurs and how to acquire them, develop goals to help establish your business, develop an outline for your plan, and take home techniques to successfully manage and market your new business. Classes are $195 each or take all three for $495. Classes run throughout the year.

Extraordinary Customer Service

with Network Learning Resources

$145 More Info
Transform your customer service into something extraordinary. As a result more repeat business will improve your bottom line. Customer service separates you from your competition. Extraordinary customer service comes from focusing on the few essential elements that yield big results. Discover how easy it is to tweak your customer service from the ordinary to the extraordinary. You'll take away a customer service plan that will help you focus on the key elements that will get you started on your pathway to success. Classes are $145 each or take both for $245. Classes run throughout the year.
Class has begun

Financial Analysis and Planning for Non-Financial Managers

with Network Learning Resources


April 7th to May 2nd, 2025

$195 More Info
With the demands of daily operations, non-financial managers may put financial reports on the shelf. But take a look at some of the most admired companies like Apple, Google, and Berkshire Hathaway. Sure, they are evaluated by their products, innovation, and culture but they wouldn’t be in the limelight without profits. Money matters! This course will help you build on your understanding of financial concepts and help you establish your role in the financial success of your organization. Designed for non-financial managers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and other decision-makers, this advanced course will take the mystery out of money matters. Throughout this course, financial information that drives your organization, as seen on the business’s reports, will be assessed and analyzed to understand it. An understanding of this information will help you make smart decisions when it comes to budgeting, setting goals, and assessing performance within your own area of influence.