Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/a9157c5e377f11ee83720a43100e1467

Retirement by Design

with John Byrne


October 9th, 2024

Price not available More Info
Retirement by Design is a presentation that illustrates how you can translate your vision for retirement into tangible goals. Whether you are 10 or 40 years from retirement, you’ll learn investment strategies to help design the retirement you want. We’ll also discuss how you can add flexibility to your strategy to help you handle unexpected events and how you can keep your strategy on track.
Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/a9389ef7377f11ee83720a43100e1467

Script Your Family’s Future

with John Byrne


October 16th, 2024

Price not available More Info
Do you know where your assets will go when you die? If not, our Preparing Your Estate Plan presentation will help familiarize you with the basic steps of planning for your estate, including the function of a will and the different types of trusts. An estate-planning attorney, Kristy Hapworth of Rudman Winchell, will be presenting at this event.
Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/a6bf5576377f11ee83720a43100e1467

Medicare 101

with Courtney Cowan


October 8th, 2024

Medicare is not one size fits all. New to Medicare? This session will review a wide variety of information to help you navigate the waters. We will review how to obtain Medicare, when you are eligible and many other important topics including supplemental insurance to complement original Medicare. If you are currently enrolled in Medicare come get a refresher on the basics and better understand the choices available to you and when you can make changes. There are many different products and carriers available as well as various enrollment periods which give you the opportunity to change your policy if appropriate. Anyone with questions about Medicare will find this class helpful.